Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Where there is Life

I saw this tonight while I was, you know, browsing Pinterest and it stopped me in my websurfing tracks. "Where there's life, there's hope."  YES! This immediately made me think of Whitney... even after her fatal diagnosis, her heart was still beating. There was still life. And because there was still life, there was HOPE. Hope for healing, hope for a miracle, hope for the sake of HOPE. And now, having come through that time in our life without the healing, without the miracle that we were hoping for, I can still say with all the certainty in my heart, that HOPE was not wasted. Hope is never wasted... In fact, its because of Whitney that I have learned hope is a gift. It teaches us to long for and believe in something bigger than ourselves. And even when that hope doesn't unfold like we, well, hoped it would, I am still grateful-- oh, so grateful-- for it. So yes, where there is life, there is hope. Is your heart beating? Is there a glimmer of green beneath the cold, dead ground in your life? Then There. Is. HOPE. Don't be afraid of it... run towards it, embrace it, believe it-- Believe HIM with all your heart. romans 15:13 tells me that God is a God of HOPE-- yes, that is my God! And that is my HOPE. We could have chosen to end Whitney's life, but her heart was still beating... and there was still hope. Even now, as her heart is not beating in this life (or even in the next), I still have hope. I carry a piece of her with me always ("I carry your heart, I carry it in my heart...).  My hope in her healing was fulfilled and because of Christ and the fact that my hope is ultimately in Him, this HOPE I have will never return void. 

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