Friday, July 2, 2010

The Walking Wounded

A quote I saw on a friend's blog from Angie Smith's book, I Will Carry You:

"I will permanently bear the mark of a woman who has lost her child. Many of us are walking here-- in the grocery store, at the neighborhood barbeque, at the movies. We walk without necessarily recognizing each other, side by side and a million miles apart. If you are one of these women, I want you to know that as I write these words, I am praying for you. I am mourning what you have lost in this life. I am praying that God will fill you as only He can, and that in time, you (and I) will be with our daughters and our sons again."

How true this is... I go to the grocery store... and no one sees the daughter that I lost.  No one knows the precious little girl who changed my life.  No one knows the there's a missing piece to my family.  Still haven't read Angie's book.  Its on my side table... haven't picked it up since the day I bawled my way through the introduction.  Feeling a bit like the walking wounded today.  I'm ready for some family time, to be around people who love us... who 'get' us.  Looking forward to August!


  1. Thinking of you! Angie's book is wonderful. I read it through before I even knew it. How I wished that I could shout Eli's story from the mountain tops. You just never know what burden others are carrying around. Praying for peace for you!

  2. Wow, this was an powerful post & touched me profoundly...thank you for sharing it. I am new to your blog, found you through babycenter. I just lost my daughter about a week ago 23wks into my pregnancy & have often felt in the last week a fear of going out into public, of people not understanding or recognizing the pain I am in...this post really spoke to my feelings.

  3. Oh, Sheyenne! Her book is sitting on my bedside table too. I read the first page last night and couldn't get any further. So, many times I am running my errands and want to just shout to the world, "did you know I have a daughter-a beautiful daughter who lives with Jesus.". Today has been a hard day. Thank you for this post and the post from the Message. I needed it!
    Love you!

  4. We are looking forward to August too! We miss you and Sean and Whitney.

  5. Every since Nevaeh left I never look at women the same. Even though she wasn't my daughter, I realize that there are many wounded women walking around. May you know that there are people praying, as the Lord prompts them, for the loss of your heart.
    My sister-in-law read the book you mentioned. She received a lot from it and said it caused her to want to try and live life again. Hope it blesses you when you have the time, strength and space to pick it up again.
    In Christ, Jaime
