Thursday, November 4, 2010

String Of Pearls Retreat


I am so excited about this weekend... after a very short sleep tonight, I'll be waking up and heading to the airport.  Destination: Colorado!  I will be leaving behind this ridiculous 85 degree November California weather and heading to the beautiful snowy peaks of the Colorado Mountains!

When I was pregnant with Whitney, I found an organization called String of Pearls.  You may remember the LOVE PACKAGE I received from String of Pearl's founder, Laura... I wrote a post about it HERE.  The package was full of all kinds of things that I would have never thought of in dealing with Whitney's birth/death and I was so blessed by it.  Laura was such a source of strength and encouragement to me while I was still carrying Whitney.  She also gave me one of the greatest gifts I received throughout the whole process... she connected me with a woman named Christina, who also lost her daughter to triploidy.  Laura exchanged email addresses betweent Christina and me, and the rest is history.  We were kindred spirits, and Christina is still such an incredible friend and blessing in my life.  I love that our girls are together in Heaven.

Many months ago, Laura contacted me and asked if I'd be interested in being part of a retreat for a few women she's met through String of Pearls.  And the best part???  She was inviting Christina, toO!!!  So tomorrow I am off to a beautiful land to spend a quick but intense weekend with some very beautiful women... none of whom I've actually met in person yet!  We are going to get to share about our angels with each other... I cannot wait to look at Savannah's (Christina's daughter) pictures and to share Whitney's pictures with Christina and the rest of the ladies.  

If you think of us this weekend, would you pray for us?  Pray for our safety as we are all flying in from different parts of the country, and safety as we make the trek up the windy, snowy mountains to God's country.  :)  Pray for the health of all of us... that we'll all feel great and not be sick at all.  I know Christina was sick earlier this week, so extra prayers that she will feel better this weekend!  Pray for us as we heal through our pain.  Its been a while since I've spent a good deal of time just focusing on Whitney... I am looking forward to it, but of course it is always bittersweet.  And finally, pray for Laura... she is such a blessing to so many and I know she has worked super hard in getting all the details of this weekend in place. 

I cannot wait to come back and tell you all about it!!  (Pictures promised!)

Check out the String of Pearls website!

1 comment:

  1. So great to be with you!!! You are a gift and such a brave mama. Thank you so much for coming to Colorado!
    Love you,
