Sunday, December 20, 2009

Why us God?

To be honest this is a question that creeps into my mind from time to time, and I am ashamed of that.  It would be easy to say, "Sean, that is a perfectly good question to ask and no one could fault you for asking it,"  but the question of "Why?" feels so empty.  Living in America we are accustomed to asking this question to God as if he were obligated to answer us in an apologetic way.  Frankly it makes me laugh out loud thinking I can push God into a corner and force him to explain the reasoning behind the woes of my life.  God is loving and understanding and I am thankful for Jesus living on this earth for he knows where that question comes from for he cried out it too on the cross 2,000 years ago.   

Recently I heard someone talk about the Virgin Mary and her thoughts after she conceived Jesus by the Holy Spirit.  Many have said that Mary must have been so distraught in her current situation, and that she would have cried out to God "why me and why now?"  This thought goes back to our American based theology that everything centers around us and that God is to do everything possible to make our lives better.  Do I think that Mary never doubted what was happening in her life and that God was watching over her?  No, she was just as human as you and me, but I do not think that she lived in the question of "why me" either.

In Luke chapter 1 we read words that came straight from her heart and we can see her true motive in her relationship with God.  It says,

"My soul glorifies the Lord
47and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
 48for he has been mindful
  of the humble state of his servant.
   From now on all generations will call me blessed,
49for the Mighty One has done great things for me—
  holy is his name.
 50His mercy extends to those who fear him,
  from generation to generation.
 51He has performed mighty deeds with his arm;
  he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts.
 52He has brought down rulers from their thrones
  but has lifted up the humble.
 53He has filled the hungry with good things
  but has sent the rich away empty.
 54He has helped his servant Israel,
  remembering to be merciful
 55to Abraham and his descendants forever,
  even as he said to our fathers."

My soul glorifies the Lord.  What a wonderful thought and prayer for us in our times of need and trial. What if we started focusing on that first, God how can my soul still give you glory in this time of pain, God how can I praise you when all seems to be falling down around me? 

I know for me this is hard, as it is for anyone who truly puts the focus on God first and not themselves.  I have been thinking a lot about Mary lately and have a few more thoughts to share, but they will have to wait because this post has been too long and I would be surprised if anyone has read the whole thing  :)

Seriously, Christmas is the best time of the year because the focus can truly be taken off of ourselves and placed in the One that it belongs.  This Christmas I ask you (and myself) to put your trust and hope in the One that loves you and created you.  Trust in his plan no matter what is going on around you.  Pastor Dave had a great analogy this weekend about how with God we don't always know why things are happening but in the end God always comes through.  Trust in him.


  1. Thanks so much, Sean. What a blessing and example. And yes, God even welcomes the "whys" when we're truly seeking His glory as you and Shey are.

  2. I think about Job when I think about "why?" Or Habakkuk, "How long?" Long before America came onto the scene, we were asking God why. Isn't that our problem? Wanting to be God but not having any clue (or ability) as to how to go about doing it? Oh how I long for the day when I will no longer ask why and instead choose to trust... great thoughts, Sean!

  3. My Friend, I did read the whole thing and my heart is with you, as are my prayers today. I am happy to be a shoulder anytime. Coffee? Lunch? You know how to reach me.

  4. I just found out about your situation and your blog from Kristina. Thank you for your blog. Thank you for your honesty. I needed this post. Totally different set of circumstances, but I need to allow myself to walk in the freedom of who God is, and this opened that in my heart again.

  5. @:@You know how, after talking to someone for way longer than you're comfortable with, you say something likepast few days (with one thing or another). I painted with a group of friends[][]

  6. My Son and Daughter-in-law are having a baby that has been diagnosed the same as your Whitney. My granddaughter is Savannah Marie and she is 26 weeks gestational right now. Your blog is a blessing. We are trusting our Lord for the outcome but praying for Savannah's perfection. God is good, all of the time! Bless you, Sean.
