Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A proud father

W2 Don't feel like a trend is starting, but I am having diarrhea of the mind (my wife will love reading that) and I figure it is better to write and share my thoughts as opposed to letting them slip away into the unknown regions of my mind where these thoughts will only be found if a therapist uses her special powers of looking into my soul to pry them out.  I cannot help but think as I stare out my window and listen to music (Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack) how lucky I am to have had such an amazing daughter. 

How is it that these special children are able to reach so many different people in a way that could possibly never happen if they were "normal"?  I laugh at the word normal because even though I may seem normal, I couldn't be further from it!  I have read so many blogs about parents who are going through some of the same struggles that I have and their stories have done nothing but minister to my heart as I deal with my issues of pain.  I know so many people have come to know my daughter in a way that is truly amazing, and I have God to praise for that.  I love Whitney so much and I still feel the hole in my life with each waking moment, but I just don't know how else to say it other than I am a proud father of the most amazing daughter ever. 


  1. And you Blue Eyes.......are an amazing daddy! Love you and Shey, we are thinking about you and praying for you.......

  2. Hey Buddy...still praying for you. It kind of seems weird to say that. What do you tell a guy who knows all about all of the stuff we tell our church family members during times such as these? I guess you just say "Luv ya man. Let me know if I can do anything or if you just need a shoulder". Still praying for you bro.

  3. Sean and Shey,
    I hope you both realize that you are helping so many people by expressing your feelings and your words in such a graceful and spiritual way. After the loss of my baby girl, Gabriella, 14 years ago, my source of great comfort was to journal and then subsequently, starting a support group for other grieving parents. Your daughter has profoundly impacted my life, as well as many others. And for that, I thank you! May God Bless you as you continue on your journey of what will someday be your "new normal".
