Friday, February 26, 2010

Maybe Tomorrow?

WhitBracelets I've stared at the screen for over an hour, trying to find the words to write about my precious daughter.  I want so desperately to share with you about her... about her delivery, her birth, and how perfect it was.  I want to share with you about her memorial service, and the beautiful words that our family wrote for Whitney.  But tonight, the words just aren't there.  Perhaps tomorrow they will flow more eloquently. 

My mom has been with us for two weeks.  It was wonderful having her here, but she had to leave yesterday.  Between the absence of our sweet baby's cry and the lack of any company at our house, there is an eery silence that surrounded our day.  Even the tv noise can't break the silence.  I miss my baby.  Her tiny sweet hands.  Her beautiful face.  Her adorable toes.  And the way she felt in my arms.  

No other words. 

I. just. miss. her.


  1. aww the matching bracelets are so precious.

  2. What a BEAUTIFUL and Blue Eyes are such an Inspiration to me. My heart aches for both of you......but I know that the One who loves us the most has Whitney sitting right there with him......and she is more beautiful than you can remember........I love you both......and Whitney......

  3. The words I just miss her come out of my mouth often. It is ok to just miss her. I love your bracelets! Janie Beth and I have matching bracelets as well. You continue to be in my prayers.

  4. You don't need to use any other words, Sheyenne. You hurt. Your friends know you hurt, and we hurt with you. Sometimes the hurt is simply too big for words. As with everything else, words will come in God's good timing.

  5. I TOTALLY understand your statement at this point and feel your pain.

  6. My daughter and I just came home today with from the amio and we are full of emotions. No doctors answered our questions better than your webpage. My daughter had already told me yesterday that we are in those to the end. I was afraid but I read your story, Whitney's Story and I am standing right beside my daughter to the end. I want to see my daughter hold her baby love her and embrace her, Know Gods love and Sophia's love. I walk in the baby' room and I know she may never come home. What is right leave things up? wait? The pain is horrible but reading your site I know we will someday be one day closer to holding her and then one day closer to hold her in heaven again. Please keep My Grandbaby Sophia in your prayers.
