Friday, February 5, 2010

Checking Things Off...

Yesterday's doctor visit went well.  Except for the part where the nurse told me I didn't even look pregnant.  How could I be 30 weeks?  Well lady, my baby is sick. Bah!  Heard a quiet heartbeat and will hopefully get an ultrasound sometime in the next week or two, in order to check Whitney's growth (or lack thereof).  

Today pretty much sucked.  But we got a couple of things done that we really needed to.  This morning, we met with the perinatal hospice, Angel Babies.  They lady we met with was super helpful.  She's going to hook us up with a L&D nurse at our hospital who will give us one-on-one birth coaching (good thing, since I've never been through this whole labor and delivery/contractions/giving birth thing) and will be able to show us around the hospital ahead of time.  She gave us the names of a couple funeral homes... and can I just tell you that my husband is my hero.  He's going to do all the calling around to the different funeral places to find the best price for us.  Apparently, they can vary greatly from one place to another.  He's so good to me.  Angel Babies is also going to get us in touch with a photographer who will do some picutres for us at Whitney's birth.  We'll get to meet her ahead of time, too which will be good.  

One thing that the lady at Angel Babies suggested is that we make good memories with Whitney now.  I guess I've kinda thought about that before and have sort of been doing that, but I haven't been really intentional in making those memories and documenting them.  So Sean and I are going to be more deliberate with the time we have with her and making it special.  For instance, Whitney LOVES Indian food.  Surprising, right?  Even when I'm not pregnant, it usually gives me heartburn and other unpleasantries (sorry, TMI... but really, who among us is immune to Indian food?) but the other night we went to our usual Indian spot, Tandoori Nights, and I ate so much!  But not only did I eat so much, it tasted better than EVER and I had no problems with it at all... not even the slightest heartburn.  So baby likes that for sure!  I can't wait for my mom to get her next week so we can make some more memories together.  

After that meeting, we went to lunch then headed over to the hospital to pre-register.  Ugh.  So many questions and reminders that there is something wrong with our baby.  Signing a car seat waiver.  Yes, I know I have to have a car seat to take the baby home in.  Oh, how I pray I will need a car seat.  But I know that I most likely won't.  Our backseat will be empty on the drive home.  Signing waivers for my baby.  Sign your name, and where it asks for "relation to patient" print "mother."  Yes, I am a mother.  A mother without her child.  Question: Is this your first?  Yes.  Question: Do you know what you're having?  No.  (I lied.  Couldn't hold back the tears anymore and just wasn't interested in having that conversation.)  *sigh*  So a couple things down, but so many more to go.  I am thankful that we have this time to prepare for everything but it just gets tiresome.  

I'm settling in for a hopefully relaxing weekend with my kitties.  Catch up on some DVR and finish off that Cherry cobbler I made last night.  Yum.  Hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. Even though you may not feel so brave at times--your courage and trust in God's goodness and even your sense of humor is such an inspiration to all who know you, Sheyenne and Sean. And while we are all clueless as the to the depth of your pain, God is not. He is walking thru each step of this with you. I love the idea of making memories and a scrap-book or photo album to honor this little life you are carrying. So glad that your Mom is coming soon. Enjoy each other and lean on each other. It made us smile to read that Whitney likes Indian food at Tandoori Nights--bright girl in that department! Every life deserves love and honor--and we all love you for giving Whitney that. Hugs for the day--tomorrow might not suck so bad as today! In Jesus, Judy and Larry

  2. My mother has worked with some of the teams out here in SLC that create those memories "with baby". She says no matter how depressing it may be, that it is her favorite part of the job because she gets to create memories for parents that may never get any more.
    I pray that you get the chance to create many more memories with this little miss + I am glad that she loves Indian food. Such a smart little angel.
    God bless.

  3. You and Sean are our rock.

  4. Hey,
    I don't even know what to write. I just want you both to know that I'm still reading and there are NorthPointer's praying for you.

  5. My Dearest Sean & Sheyenne, The Peace of Jesus be with you, Your faith is such a testimony. My memory verse this week has been 1 Thes. 5:17-19 Be Joyful ALways! pray continually give Thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus..... if you two are not the best example of beliving what Paul wrote and living it....He is with you I know.. . and its ok to be afraid... I went to sleep praying for you and have been praying for you since I got up at 5:30 this morning... I love you both dearly and look forward to meeting Whitney one day.... I love you .... and will have you on my heart all day...Take care and rejoice, Anna-lisa Kelly
