Saturday, October 8, 2011

Day 8: Good Days

Day 8: Do you feel you have more good days than bad ones?

It depends on the day you ask me.  ;)  Generally, yes.  As with most everything, the intense pain has gotten better with time.  And although I think of her every day, most days are less painful than they were in the early days after her loss.  I used to think of each day after she died as one day further away from the last time we held her, but now I am able to think of it as each day being one day closer to holding her again in Heaven. 

But the hard days are still there.  Like watching the video in the previous post was really hard.  I tend to push things out of my mind that I don't want to think about... but seeing her precious little heartbeat on the ultrasound, her hand waves and her sweet little 'jumps' make me miss her all the more. 

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