Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Beautifully Different

Reverb 2010- Day 8

December 8 – Beautifully Different. Think about what makes you different and what you do that lights people up. Reflect on all the things that make you different – you’ll find they’re what make you beautiful.

Hmmm... really?  This is kinda lame.  Or maybe I'm just uncomfortable with introspection of this sort.  It could also have to do with the fact that I have a tendency to let others' opinions of me color the way I feel about myself... and these days, I haven't felt so "bright". 

This is actually kind of funny that this is the prompt for today, because just this afternoon, I taught an entire class on self-esteem to a group of troubled adolescent girls in a rehab house.  One of the things I had them write was what made them unique-- beautifully different.  So now, I feel like one of them... groaning at the assignment.  But I'll spare the choice words and attitudes that I got this afternoon.  :)  (For the record, I really love teaching those girls... so much potential hidden behind so much hurt.)

So what makes me unique?  Well, I'm creative... I love writing and crafting and making things with my hands.  But I hardly have the discipline or desire to make it a regular part of my day-to-day life.  Perhaps things will be different when I'm not working full-time.  

Another thing?  I have amazing friends.  They definitely make me a better person.  The ones who really, truly know me are awesome... and they know that I'm, well, awesome, too.  And they've never left me, no matter how moody I can get.  (Which is really only on rare occasions.  I've only gone "old-timey photo crazy" (aka- ballistic) twice in the entire friendship I've had with my BFFFFFFFFs, Tracy, Will & Wade.  And they know me better than anyone else.  Especially Tracy.  We're talking, take-it-to-the-grave, thisclose kinda friendship.  No seriously, I don't know what I did to deserve a friendship like ours.  Anyways, one of those two rare crazy moments was on my wedding day.  So that one doesn't count.  Only one crazy moment in more than a decade of best friendship is pretty good.  Right?)  We have awesome Oscar parties and red-neck tree burnings in the woods.  Like I said, awesomeness

Picture 106

Finally, (this may seem weird to say) but I really dig my sense of humor.  Is that weird to say that I like the way I think?  It sounds weird to me, but whatever... I appreciate a good 80's reference (ala, Psych), while interjecting Perez-like commentary mingled with the occasional Journey or Michael Jackson song in every day situations.  Seriously, you should be inside my head sometimes.  Its quite entertaining.  I guess if you can't make yourself giggle every now and then, what makes you think other people want to hear you joke around?

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