Saturday, December 11, 2010


Reverb 2010- Day 11

December 11 – 11 Things What are 11 things your life doesn’t need in 2011? How will you go about eliminating them? How will getting rid of these 11 things change your life?

"Things."  What an all-inclusive yet vague title, huh?  I live pretty low key and generally adapt to a no-drama policy.  We don't really have a lot of material "things" that get in the way, because well... we don't want things getting in the way of our reason for living.  Hmmmmm... so I'll work the list a little differently. Here we go...

Things I don't need in 2011 and will be doing without!

1. Bitterness.  I've learned that holding onto bitterness only gives the people or situation more power than they're worth or deserve.  So along with bitterness, I'm letting go of two other very pesky "things" in my life (which may or may not be specific pesky individuals) that have been the source of much of this unnecessary and now banned bitterness.
2. Unnamed Aforementioned "Thing" Uno
3. Unnamed Aforementioned "Thing" Dos

Now I'm going to list things I'd like to get rid of but am not quite sure exactly how to...

4. Stressing about finding a job
5. Stressing about a place to live
6. Stressing about a place to have our baby
7. Worry about having a healthy baby

And finally, things I'd REALLY like to get rid of (and will pray for a miracle)... but one can always hope, right?

8. Allergies to my kitties... I love them so much, but they make me so miserable!  But I still love them.
9. Allergy to milk.  No icecream, pizza or alfredo... need I say more?
10. Insomnia.  Sean falls asleep in 2 seconds... me, its more like 2 hours!
11.  **aaaaand... that's all I've got, people!**

Photo 74

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